20. Navigating the Holidays: Strategies for Surviving the Food Focused Season with Ease

holiday eating holiday survival guide honor your hunger intuitive eating mindful eating new year's resolution set boundaries stop binge eating Nov 16, 2023
Holiday Feast

The holiday season is officially upon us. This is the season where we are encouraged to “eat, drink and be merry.” However, if you've struggled with dieting and body image, it’s natural for this time of year to feel extra challenging because FOOD IS EVERYWHERE. We’re also bombarded with chatter about how many calories are in our favorite holiday treats and how many miles we have to run to earn that holiday dinner.

In this episode I am sharing 7 strategies to help you navigate the holiday season so you can feel empowered and capable of navigating the holidays from an Intuitive Eating perspective. You deserve to enjoy the season, the food and parties, without the stress, without yo-yoing between overindulging and restricting, and without feeling out of control over the next several weeks before vowing to get back on track and start a new diet on January 1st.    

Listen now and learn how to have a holiday season where:

  • You can enjoy all of the food you truly want.
  • You eat according to how your body feels.
  • You feel prepared to deal with uncomfortable comments about weight, food, and diets.
  • And where you don’t have to dread getting “back on the wagon” again come January 1st.


Go to HUNGERFULLNESS.COM to download a free copy of my “5 Steps for Reconnecting with Hunger and Fullness” guide.

Need Support?

If you need support with building a healthy mindset and behaviors with food this holiday season, feel free to reach out to me via email at [email protected] or book a free discovery call click here or use this link:

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